
It’s actually quite easy, if Wunderground doesn’t do it for you itself! One that can display almost any kind of weather information that you want, but only when you want to see it? WeatherUnderground.com (or Wunderground.com) is a free, public weather data hosting service, and has accumulated the largest number of reporting weather stations in the world. Set your camera settings such as name and time. Let’s start with the window at the top of the screen, which shows you current weather conditions on the left. Weather Underground is owned by IBM, where the data is used for prediction Location Search – Click in this box and type in a city, region, or country that you’d like the WunderMap to display, and then press the “Enter” key on your keyboard. Just type in your city, a nearby airport, or your postal/ZIP code, and Wunderground will give you everything you need to know about the current weather in your area, plus a 10-day forecast!The menus across the top of the screen will take you to other areas of Wunderground.

The 10 day forecast was easily available- so far I haven't found it. Weather Underground is owned by IBM, where the data is used for prediction Now I can't even find the mm/in of precipitation. Email Us. Wunderground will now show you weather information for the area you’ve selected. Click Change Station to get readings for a different location. Now that we’ve explained a bit about how Wunderground does all of the neat stuff that it does, the question in the forefront of your mind is probably “okay, but how do I use it to get the weather for my area?”  Glad you asked! WeatherUnderground.com (or Wunderground.com) is a free, public weather data hosting service, and has accumulated the largest number of reporting weather stations in the world.

These settings It can even give you travel directions and let you know what weather to watch out for on your trip!The information below these two items will give you the directions you need to follow to get from your departure point to your destination point, how long it will approximately take, and any potentially hazardous weather you may have to deal with along the way.And that’s a basic rundown of how to use Wunderground’s WunderMap!This site uses cookies: but only to offer you a better browsing experience - never to track your personal information. Wunderground was a 4.5 and now slipped to 1 or less star rating. Back to Wunderground – Click the three white bars here to bring back the main menu options for Wunderground, or click the Wunderground logo to go back to the website’s main page. Want a weather map that can do it all? Can't find an answer? It is important to configure accurate time on your camera as, by default, the date and time is displayed on the image uploaded to WUnderground (as an overlay that can be disabled if not wanted). I've used it for years and loved it. Wunderground’s WunderMap puts you in complete control of your weather information, letting you see what you want, when you want, where you want. Get WUnderground API Key Important: As of May 16, 2018, WUnderground Free API keys are no longer provided. Click one, and then click an option in the drop-down menu that appears to go there.Here’s a general idea of what you’ll find in each of these places:And that’s a quick tour of how to use Wunderground!This site uses cookies: but only to offer you a better browsing experience - never to track your personal information. Here you can find up to date information to answer your most common questions about our features and content.

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