FFO: Kayo Dot, Earth (Hex), Cult Of Luna, Bohren & der Club of Gore, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, you get the idea. I also reject it. It’s always I listened to a lot of metal this year.

The quartet’s debut is steeped in classic ’80s speed metal tropes and tricks, from its fantastical lyrical focus and manic shredding to the reed-thin, fire-alarm wails on “Metal Blitzkrieg” and flaming fretboard on “Suspiria.” Black Viper succeed in cherry-picking the best lessons from the old school to inject new blood into an aging sceneIs there a heavy band less concerned with the gatekeepers of metal than the Body? © Each of their previous records have come in progressively shorter, with "Ihsahn is one of the few artists fortunate enough to have had two successful periods in their career, and that is entirely down to his ceaselessly evolving vision and creativity – a phenomenon in a scene often laden with legions of imitators and very few innovators. It's only for a short period of time (around the 5:45 mark in album opener "Void of Words"), but it's one of many times these guys show off the kinds of guitar nerds they are. Progressive without specifically being “prog,” melodic without recycling Gothenburg’s leftovers, and nodding to old-school greats like Death without sounding anything like a tribute act, Horrendous have crafted a death metal sound that delivers thrills at every turn. I’m curious if the author gave Esoteric Malacology by Slugdge a listen this year. high on fire should be alot higher than it was. It’s a perfect match: Ragana lifts us up towards the light, Thou brings us crashing back down to hell on earth. When someone uses “atmosphere” to describe a hardcore record, it’s usually in reference to a steamy pit full of dudes ready to throw down. Scheidt funneled the malaise and his once-doubtful recovery into a seven-song epic that reckons with pain as a method of temporary mortal transcendence. Why It Rules: Pig Destroyer continue their sonic expansion beyond the realms of grindcore, sho… pun intended!An epic conceptual double-album of black metal centering around the solar system.Hear the band's ferocious new single "Pierced Larynx. Thoughts?Thanks!! Thanks! It can be artful and progressive, and even after 30 years, still redefining what it means to be “extreme.” Extremity flex pretty hard on that front by The growing renaissance of old-school-leaning acts in thrash and death metal has produced countless amazing albums in the past few years, though it takes a band like Sepulcher to lead one to question just For those who don’t read Japanese, this band’s name translates to Sleepwalker, and the album title is read as “Ichi-go ichi-e,” which translates to “for this time only,” or “never again”—a fascinatingly strange message that ends up being all too appropriate. The band’s ability to confidently wield both atmospheric melodies and full-throated crust belligerence is stunning, exemplified most clearly on the black metal-steeped “Ändlösa ådror” and its ambitious, multi-layered title track, which spans a full 15 minutes of fury.Finland’s Ghastly cast death metal in a velvety aura. Origin:Alexandria, Virginia The Gist: After a six-year gap between albums, Pig Destroyer’s sixth disc, Head Cage, acts not just as a followup to their previous LP, Book Burner, but also to all the various experiments guitarist Scott Hull has undertaken between then and now, both in Pig Destroyer and his other grind band, Agoraphobic Nosebleed.

The Best Metal Albums of 2018 (So Far) It’s been a banner year for all things slow and dismal. Metal thrived in 2018, as bands from every imaginable genre, subgenre and microgenre tapped into deep wells of anger and disappointment for some of … Their last album was mostly overtly viscious deathgrind that ran you the fuck over.

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