Easter Eggs Edit Story Based Easter Egg Edit Main article: Paradoxical Prologue Rather than having a primary Easter Egg for the map, The Giant has a revised version of the Fly Trap Easter Egg that was present within the original Der Riese map.

Please use this post as a hub for the main discussion concerning the hunt for anything related to The Giant Easter Egg. To activate the Annihilator as your Specialist weapon, you need to press ‘Q’. Getting the giant eggs from the rocs is quicker, plus while you're waiting for them to respawn you can kill the nearby hyenas for other recipe ingredients like red wolf meat, tender wolf meat, and mystery meat. To get this as your Specialist weapon, you need a weapon out of the Pack-A-Punch machine. You will be needing 4500 points for this step.Once you see all the three green light shining and one big red button will blink next to Pack-A-Punch machine. Yeah — sounds insane, but you’ll see why that is soon. The Giant Easter Egg quest posts have gotten way out of hand. Yes, you will not get downed from a giant robot stepping on you.
To Open the Door, you need 2500 points so make your choice.Now that the Power is Up you can link the teleporters with the Mainframe and repeat this process 3 times. Then Head to the marked area and shoot the panel(yellow cross) with the same weapon then you need to kill 3 teddy bears as well which are marked in the Map Below.You are ready to retrieve the Annihilator out of the furnace. Infact, solo is the EASIEST path to victory for this Easter egg. The main Easter egg of Ancient Evil leads to a secret final boss encounter, and an ending cinematic. To unlock this secret perk, you need to get the ‘Monkey Bomb’ out of the ‘Mystery Box’. Once the snow is melted you will see a Perk-A-Cola machine, which has either the Steaming Up or the Deadshot Daiquiri.There are 8 Radios in total from which five of the messages from Maxis are addressed to the four characters and three especially to Richtofen which addressed to the other characters. Pack A Punch Tutorial – Build The Sword Tutorial – Upgraded Sword Tutorial – All Storyline Radios – How To Get The Wonder Weapon – Music Song Easter Egg – Easter Eggs – HELP NOAHJ456 REACH 1,500,000 This Easter egg can be completed solo, local or online. Press ‘F’ to activate and a laser will get shot out of the panel, reflecting on the sign and the laser will melt down a pile of snow. Once you activated all the pods the song ‘Beauty of Annihilation’ will start to play.There are more perks yet to be discovered in The Giant other than Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap Root Beer and Mule Kick. The area where the objects come out, and the control box on the left of the center pillar.The player must shoot these items (the weapon does not have to be upgraded). It will grant the player a unique Gateworm icon on The Giant's map selection picture similar to CoD WaW - Der Riese - "Elevate Your Senses!" It consists of finding hidden items after activating a hidden panel. Comment by Thottbot Primitive Owlbeasts just north of The Altar of Zul in Hinterlands. If you want to know all the Secrets, Easter eggs and More for The Giant you have come to the Right place. The Fly Trap is an Easter Egg found in the Zombies map Der Riese and its remake, The Giant. You have exactly 30 seconds to make it to the Mainframe and confirm the link.Once you get to the Mainframe, you will notice a lightboards hanging around the teleporters and the once which you just activated will green. There will be two doors which lead from the Mainframe to the rest of the Area. This Guide will provide you exact locations and a walkthrough on how to unlock all the hidden places and grab all the resources.Starting with the Basics where you need to Turn on the Power on the basis on electricity(for every step).

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