All skins for Fortnite Battle Royale are in one place/page, to search easily & quickly by category, sets, rarity, promotions, holiday events, battle pass seasons, and much more! Und bitte keine Sorge, Dein Bericht wird anonym sein.Du kannst einen Kommentar kennzeichnen, indem Du auf das entsprechende Kennzeichnungssymbol klickst. Platz: Purple Skull-Trooper. This UTC+ date applies to Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania/Australia. !...I like to see it back in the item shop so i can pu...I feel the same way even though I already have it ...I feel the same way even though I already have it ...The Red Knight is an outfit in the Fortnite: Battle…Raptor Outfit is a yellow and brown costume for Fortnite…Avoid scam sites offering free V-Bucks. We are here to help you with the explanation we need to know about How to get the Brainiac Skin in Fortnite. Er trägt einen grünen Nomaden-Anzug.

He looks like a hunter, wearing the garden hat with a logo of 3 checkmarks.

At long last, the Fortnite Brainiac skin looks as if it is returning.

The in-game store updates at 00:00 UTC daily, which means that the eastern and western halves of the world are on different dates when the shop updates. Versandkosten Release: 11.02.2005. Das Skelett kam nun mehrere …
Der Website-Administrator wird wissen, dass Du dies gemeldet hast. Wir stellen hier die seltensten Skins vor, die auch eine Chance auf Rückkehr haben könnten.Rogue Agent könnte auch an einen Soldaten der Black Tusks erinnern aus Division 2. In the V11.01, Brainiac was given a new Ghoul Trooper style. Administratoren können den Kommentar entfernen oder den Autor blockieren.

We’ve had plenty of skins made available through their own challenges, anyway. Administratoren können den Kommentar entfernen oder den Autor blockieren.

Fortnite Brainiac is a male uncommon skin in Battle Royale.
This skin does not give any additional advantages in the game. Im Battle-Royale-Modus werd...Renegade Raider war damals im Season-Shop (Vorgänger des Battle-Pass) von Season 1 erhältlich.

Dafür mussten sie 1.500 V-Bucks ausgeben.Der seltenste Skin war eigentlich für lange Zeit der Recon Expert.

Wiederkehrende Event-Skins, die an Weihnachten, Ostern, Halloween und so weiter, zurückkommen haben wir ebenfalls weggelassen. Although this skin...The Cabbie is an uncommon male outfit that is available only in the Battle Royale version...The Red-nosed Ranger is the name of one of the uncommon holiday-themed male skin outfits for...The Bullseye is among the uncommon female avatar skins for the game Fortnite Battle Royale. The...The Bunnymoon is one of the uncommon female player skins for the Battle Royale version of...The Brainiac is an uncommon male avatar skin for the Battle Royale version of the game...The Grill Sergeant is the name of one of the Uncommon male skin outfits for the...The Garrison is the name of one of the Uncommon male skin outfits for the game...The Commando is the name of one of the female uncommon outfits for the game Fortnite:...Pathfinder is the name of one of the female uncommon outfits for the game Fortnite Battle...The Renegade is the name of one of the uncommon female outfits for the game Fortnite...The Armadillo is the name of one of the uncommon male skin outfits for the game...The Scorpion is the name of one of the uncommon female skin outfits for the game...When will it come back in the item shop?!?!?!?!!?

Brainiac Jonesy was available from Fortnitemares Llamas purchased from the Vindertech Store during the Fortnitemares event.

As stated above, a new Brainiac stye option looks as though it is coming to Appearing on the right of the image above, the Ghoul Trooper Brainiac skin variant is a different shade of green from the original, with an added dog tag, pink hair, and other details. Subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest news about Fortnite on your email. Und bitte keine Sorge, Dein Bericht wird anonym sein.Du kannst einen Kommentar kennzeichnen, indem Du auf das entsprechende Kennzeichnungssymbol klickst.

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