Sweet Pompeii Lyrics: "How are you?" Bastille - Pompeii Lyrics. The black smoke cloud covering the town as the volcano erupted. There's a certain lost feeling that Dan is trying to express in the video... about something that may once have been so pure, but has been tainted by time and other forces that he is trying to find again to regain and retain his sense of purity in a world (without that presence) has been overrun by demonic forces, hence the people with the blacked out eyes and the generally abandoned world. At the end, he realizes all is lost and that he cannot regain what was most precious and pure to him. "Losing the city they loved, The Walls Tumbling Down, Great Clouds Rolling Over The Hills Bringing Darkness Above," and relating the how the people in Pompeii lost things that were precious to them. He watches as his home and city are destroyed. Si tienes cualquier comentario sobre la letra de una canción o sobre esta humilde página web puedes escribirnos a: holas(arroba)letraseningles.es People who don't repent and ask God to help them change will continue to feel the walls tumble down. Well, but if you close your eyes and nothing changed at all means evry thing is frozen in place. He watches as his home and city are destroyed. The eruption happened so quickly that people were mummified almost instantly, which is described in the line: “In your pose as the dust settled around us.” / "Well, it's been a long time since anybody's asked me that." Lyrics to Pompeii by Bastille from the Bad Blood album - including song video, artist biography, translations and more! You may have to watch this video to understand the song a little better. Estudiar Inglés es una tarea ardua y a veces aburrida, aquí queremos facilitarte un poco el trabajo, si estudias las expresiones del idioma sobre la letra de canciones actuales que conozcas o te gusten, te resultará mucho más fácil de memorizar y aprenderás de manera más naturalTen presente que la canción traducida es siempre aproximada para darle un mínimo de sentido a la letra, evidentemente hay expresiones en inglés que no pueden traducirse literalmente, pero es justo ahí donde está lo interesante de utilizar canciones actuales como una herramienta más en el estudio de un ¿Quieres un buen curso de inglés online para estudiar a tu ritmo? Pompeii Lyrics. AND the rubble is because they don't change. Granted, on the surface, it's about the eruption of Pompeii in 79AD. We were caught up and lost in all of our vices In your pose as the dust settles around us The title “Pompeii” gives away a lot of the meaning of the song. Si quieres enviarnos tus propias traducciones de letras de canciones, por favor, Si te gustaría hacernos una sugerencia para que incluyamos la letra de una canción, puedes hacerlo No esperes entender el 100 % de la letra de la canción, debes intentar afinar el oído para distinguir las palabras de la letra, aunque no sepas lo que significan en un primer momento, si escuchas varias veces la misma canción te darás cuenta que la letra se va aclarando en tu cabeza.Para visualizar en paralelo la letra en inglés y en español, activa la rotación automática y gira tu dispositivo, please., aparte de poder cantar como un loc@ cuando oígas las canciones en la radio.. Si buscas el significado de una palabra o expresión concreta que has encontrado en la letra de la canción seguro que aquí resuelven todas tus dudas (se abre en otra pestaña): The town was covered in lava and the people that didn't make it out were covered in the lava to. Back In A.D. 79 in the city of Pompeii Mt. So, in the end this song is more about a total loss and devastation within. Pompeii Lyrics 2013: Remains (Bastille vs. Rag N Bone Man vs. Great clouds roll over the the hills means the volcanic ash is coming down on the city Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh Eh-eh-oh, eh-oh I was left As stated by the songwriter, he watched a documentary on Pompeii, and how the people were trapped in the positions they died in. Bastille "Sweet Pompeii": "How are you?" El método que te recomendamos: primero escucha la canción sin mirar la letra, después escúchala con la letra, y Pompeii Bastille. Pincha aquí para Aviso Legal: las letras (y sus traducciones) son propiedad exclusiva de sus autores y se muestran aquí de acuerdo con el artículo 32 del RDL 1/1996 por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, con fines puramente educacionales para facilitar el aprendizaje de un idioma, este sitio web no almacena ningún archivo de vídeo con obras protegidas, se limita a enlazar con youtube.com respetando siempre sus políticas de encastrado de videos. The song is what he imagined as a conversation between two of these people. I think some of the references in the song may relate back to this tragedy. It's about how that loss is driving him insane within and is turning him dark inside, though he's doing everything he can to get back to that source of purity.

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