Modern Warfare 3 - Alle Titel und Embleme ( German ) Report. Hurt an enemy then finish them with a Throwing Knife. The TRUE Identity of Ghost?

Kill an enemy with the Ranger by firing both barrels at the same time.

Kill an enemy while you are still dazed by a flashbang.

Get all 3 of your killstreak rewards within 20 seconds.

Get a game winning killcam with a Last Stand or Final Stand kill. Kill 15 enemies through a surface using bullet penetration. Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a stun grenade. Kill 2 or more enemies with a single sniper rifle bullet. Kill 5 enemies in one match using Predator Missiles. Kill 3 enemies while you are the only surviving member of your team. Get the Game Winning Kill with an Attack Helicopter. Find the titles here. Playercard/Modern Warfare 2 Emblems < Playercard. Kill an enemy by setting off a chain reaction of explosives. Kill every member of the enemy team (4 enemy minimum). Als ich eines morgen nichts ahnent in ein suchen und zerstören spiel ( von mw2) ging war auf einmal ein typ in meinem team der die ganze zeit ein menü hatte mit dem er … Edit. Note: The Emblems with a green background are only unlocked after prestige mode. Starting Emblem . Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a flashbang. Kill 25 players that spawn using Tactical Insertion. Emblems Edit Page 1 Edit. Reach Level 15: Reach level 34. (direct impact) Get 5 health regenerations from enemy damage in a row, without dying. Das ist ein Glitch leider kann man die Titel und Embleme nicht benutzen und sie verschwinden leider beim restart der Konsole wieder! Kill 2 or more enemies with a single AT4 or RPG, 50 times Kill an enemy, Pick up his weapon, then kill him again with his own weapon PAGE 1. Kill an enemy just before they earn a 10 or higher killstreak.

Kill an enemy with C4 while you are in Last or Final Stand.

Kill yourself and 1 enemy by cooking a grenade without throwing it.

Call in 1000 total of Care Packages/Sentry Guns/Emergency Airdrops. Destroy 250 killstreak rewards using Cold-Blooded. Get a game winning killcam with dropping a crate on the enemy. Kill 2 or more enemies with a single C4 pack, 50 times. (Sentry Guns and EA crates only count if they're red) Browse more videos. Playing next. Call in 1000 Precision, Stealth or Harrier airstrikes. Get a game winning Killcam with a Predator Missile. Fire an entire Sniper Mag into enemies without missing. Kill the #1 player on the enemy team 10 times in a single match. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. !!ACHTUNG!!

Kill someone with a Throwing Knife while flashed or stunned. Play Team Deathmatch and get the top score overall. Fire an entire Assault Rifle Mag into enemies without missing. Get a game winning killcam with a Precision Airstrike. Kill 2 or more enemies with a single frag grenade, 50 times. Kill an enemy while being stunned by a stun grenade. Modern Warfare 3 - Alle Titel und Embleme ( German ) - Duration: 6:19. iGaLaxYiRamBo 269,749 views.

Contents . Stick a Semtex Grenade to the enemy in a game winning Killcam. Kill 2 or more enemies with a single Claymore, 50 times. Kill an enemy within 5 seconds of tactically inserting, 50 times. (Modern Warfare Story) - Duration: 13:03. 4:58. Kill an enemy by using bullet penetration to shoot an explosive device through a wall.

6:19. Fire an entire LMG Mag into enemies without missing. In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 there are 350 available Emblems, they are unlocked in a variety of ways, such as completing challenges, purchasing callsign packs in the prestige shop, prestiging itself, and via interaction with Call of Duty ELITE. VisualEditor History Talk (655) Share.

Kill 3 enemies with 3 different weapons in a single life. Kill every member of the enemy team without dying (4 enemy minimum). Kill an enemy with a grenade launcher without detonation. Three kills with your secondary weapon in one life. Kill multiple enemies with a Semtex Grenade stuck to one of them. Fire an entire SMG Mag into enemies without missing. Hurt an enemy with primary weapon, Then finish them off with a pistol.

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