Merus does not believe Goku and Vegeta will be able to win, and so decides that he and the others will return to Galactic Patrol HQ to retrieve Buu.

Trained to anticipate incoming attacks, he can effectively dodge seemingly anything that attacks him. Whis explains that had Merus begun fighting, he would have broken the Angel Law and would have been terminated (thus, Whis saved Merus' life by preventing this).

Additionally, Merus acknowledges Moro is on a completely different level than himself.

Merus (angel mode) > merus (no halo) > MUI Goku > Current Moro > UIO Goku. However, his love for the galaxy and sense of justice made him fight Moro and sacrifice his life. Moro breaks free from his prison and Merus watches as he and Good Buu battle one another. A few days after Vegeta and Irico arrive on Yardrat, Merus leaves the Galactic Patrol Headquarters to travel with Goku on another planet to train. Merus was designed by Toyotarō.

At some point in the past, Merus defeated Saganbo's bandits—including OG73-1, Shimorekka, and Yunba—resulting in them being locked up at Galactic Patrol Headquarters. Merus (メルス, Merusu) is a trainee Angel and a former elite member of the Galactic Patrol. Il ne semble pas surestimer ses pouvoirs, bien qu'il soit un Ange. During their training session on the other planet, Goku proceeds to punch and kick Merus but Merus effortlessly dodges them, not taking any hits from Goku and counters his punches and kicks by hitting him with a staff to his back. Merus is a very serious individual and will do anything to see a mission through, as he states he did not hold back during the mission to stop the Despite being an angel, who is typically supposed to be neutral in the affairs of mortals, during his time in the Galactic Patrol, he gained a sense of justice and desire to fight against evil. He easily outmaneuvered Goku in his base form, expertly grabs Goku's arm and throws him aside as a Super Saiyan, and still just as efficiently dodged attacks from Goku as a Super Saiyan 3. Merus appears to not have the ability to fly or utilize ki attacks since he's never been shown to use either. He also did not object to Whis taking him back to the realm of the Angels and apologized to his older brother for preparing to fight Goku at full power. Arriving just as Goku and Vegeta are about to make a final stand against Moro, Merus shoots down the ship carrying Moro, Moro emerges but Merus captures him using a specially made capture device and orders Buu to be released so he can battle Moro. This was seen from his sparing match against Goku. Goku then tells Merus that to achieve Ultra Instinct, he needs to empty his heart and mind but Goku finds this difficult when fighting in battle. Il a même une grande estime envers Son Gokû et Vegetaet comptera même sur eux pour solliciter leur aide dans sa mission. Im not saying Merus is weak, I love Merus.

Alors que Moro s'apprêtait à propulser le patrouilleur galactique, ce dernier sectionna le filet puis utilisa la force physique de son adversaire pour rejoindre le Grand Kaïô Shin et l'éloigner de son ennemi juré. Irico informs Merus that Moro and the Grand Supreme Kai have left deeper into space, having realized that Grand Supreme Kai cannot use the Kai Kai Matoru, Merus activates his space gear and heads to aid him, with the goal of luring Moro back on to New Namek. After Goku has finished eating, he wonders why he has never seen Merus eat. The two then return to their training. However, he still holds respect for the laws of the Angels and their authority, as he refrained from using his true powers and abilities, limiting himself to only mortal weapons and basic combat. Merus returns to the Galactic Patrol spaceship, where Irico informs him of the prison breakout.

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